We’ve all been looking at our walls for way too long… So we’ve gathered some tips if you’ve decided to go for it!
We asked our experts at Broseley and they advised to first and foremost make sure the plaster is flush and smooth. The paint won’t cover any lumps and bumps, so sand it down!
If you’re removing wallpaper, scrape it clean and use a damp sponge, dry and repeat. Little fragments of glue will show through. Sand it down, then paint a test patch.
Using your test patches, check how the colour changes in the light through the day and evening. Know how and when you are most likely to use the room and consider the best backgrounds and light for your artworks.
For inspiration on how to use colour, our ‘go-to’ are the books and videos by Kit Kemp (firmdalehotels.com). You could also take advice from Tricia Guild (designersguild.com).
“There are so many white’s and neutrals on the market” says Edward Bulmer, so test pots are a good idea. We love their delicate Rose tinted White! (edwardbulmerpaint.co.uk).
Historic paint Consultant, Patrick Baty: “It is all too easy to choose an off-white with an undertone that only becomes apparent when it is on the wall. People often think they want to avoid yellow, but ochre pigments can produce a warm, soothing white” (paintandpaperlibrary.com).
“Avoid painting the ceiling in brilliant white” advises Ruth Mottershead. We often use their organic paints and we like their China Clay and Slaked Lime. (littlegreene.com).